Willem Beukelsstraat 42
1097 CT Amsterdam
The Netherlands





Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem (NL), MA 2005
* Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam (NL), graphic design, BA 2002

Lectures & Exhibitions
* 'The Best Dutch Book Designs 2019' at the Stedelijk Mueum Amsterdam, with selected book: De Zingende Zaag 42, jubileum edition, October 3 – November 1, 2020
Lecture BNO Utrecht, 2018
Moderator Plain Paper Party, Studio/K, Amsterdam, februari 2017
Lecture Monsterkamer Amsterdam, 2016
Lecture Open Day, Royal Academy of Arts (KABK), 2016
Lezing Mediamatic ‘Ignite’, ‘You Are Cordially Invited’, Amsterdam, juni 2014
Lecture + participant ‘Quantified Reality’, Sandberg@Mediafonds masterclass, editie 2014, Amsterdam, januari – juni 2014
Lecture during ‘(Re)Publish Symposium’, ArtEZ, juli 2013
'The Best Dutch Book Designs 2012' at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, with selected book: Salon, Censorship Daily and De Hallen Haarlem, Inventory 2007–2012, September 14th – October 27th 2013
* Exhibition ‘ABC Primer–Rainbow Series’, SALON/BJ, Beijing, September 26th – October 3rd 2013
* Lecture on ‘You Are Cordially Invited’ during the (Re)Publisch symposium, Arnhem, July 6, 2013
* Exhibition ‘ABC Primer–Rainbow Series’, The NWBLCK, San Francisco, April 2013
* Lecture at California College of Arts (CCA), San Francisco, April 2013
* Exhibition of the visual identity of De Hallen Haarlem, December 2012 – April 2013. De Hallen Haarlem, Grote Markt 16, Haarlem
* Soloshow ‘ABC Primer–Rainbow Series’, Magazijn, Amsterdam, 30 March – 01 April 2012
* Lecture ‘ABC Primer – Rainbow Series’, Utrecht School of the Arts for ‘The Weight of Colour’, January 2012
* Part of the exhibition ‘I have a room with everything’, 23 July – 5 August 2011,
*ABC Primer–Rainbow Series’, Magazijn, Amsterdam, 30 March – 01 April 2012 [exhibition]
*Lick my Typo at Recyclart, Brussel, 2010 [lecture/presentation]
Presentation of the visual identity of De Hallen Haarlem, 12 December 2009 – 6 June 2010. De Hallen Haarlem, Grote Markt 16, Haarlem [exhibition]
bt’09: Typography, Unify With New Life, in conjunction with the Icograda World Design Congress 2009 Beijing [exhibition]
Niveaux de Gris Poster Collection at the 20th International Poster and Graphic Design festival in Chaumont, France, 2009 [poster exhibition]
Best Verzorgde Boeken 2008 at the Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam, 2009 [exhibition]
Speelplaats at the Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, 2008  [lecture/presentation]
Best Verzorgde Boeken 2007 at the Stedelijk Mueum Amsterdam, 2008 [exhibition]
Zefir7 / Designers at Sea in Tag, The Hague, 2007 [lecture/presentation]
A Man with a Turban, The Lucca Madonna versus The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin at the Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht during the Opening week 2006 [lecture]
Ship Happens at the Art-academy in Tallinn, Estonia 2006 [workshop & presentation]
* UCLA, Los Angeles, USA 2006 [workpresentation]

Teaching experience
* Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, Acting co-head (with Lauren Alexander) Graphic Design department, 2022
* Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, Professional Practice Skills and Internship guidance, graphic design department, 2020–2022
* Certificate Basic Qualification Didactic Competence, Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU), Utrecht, 2020
Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, Tutor Design Office, graphic design department, 2015–ongoing
Workshop Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Nürnberg, 2017
ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem, final exam committee, graphic design department, 2013
*Workshop at California College of Arts (CCA), San Francisco, graphic design department, 2013
* Royal Academy of Arts (KABK), The Hague, graphic design, interior architecture department, 2011–2013
*Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU), Utrecht, final exam committee, graphic design department, 2010
Royal Academy of Arts (KABK), The Hague, typography, 2006–2010
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam, graphic design, formstudy-programm, 2008
Workshop typography and book design Ship Happens at the Art-academy in Tallinn, Estonia, 2006

Published in
* Novum Magazine, Showroom, interview by Niels Schräder, Germany, 2020
Het Parool, Amsterdam, review De Zingende Zaag 42, Best Dutch Book Design, 2020
* De Volkskrant, review De Zingende Zaag 42, Best Dutch Book Design, 2020
* Monsterkamer.nl, verslag ‘Inloop + speciale gast: studio Hendriksen’, Arjan Reinders / Fotografie: Justina Nekrasaite, apr 2016
Column ‘Design’, SSBA–Salon, ssba-salon.nl, mei 2015
Interview ‘You Are Cordially Invited’, Amsterdam FM, juli 2013
de Volkskrant (2 juli 2013), Het Financieele Dagblad (29 juni 2013), De Telegraaf (28 juni 2013), Trendbeheer (26 juni 2013), Metropolis M (25 juni 2013), persberichten ‘You Are Cordially Invited
Coverage on several art and fashion blogs, such as Kees Koomen / Kunstkrant / Elle / Marie Claire / Glamour / Trends360 / Fashionlicious / One Sec Please / Couturekrant / Irenebrination
Volkskrant, ‘Best Verzorgde Boeken’, 14 september 2013
* Culture Identities, Gestalten, 2013
* Printed Matter, Gestalten, 2013
* Type Only, Unit, 2013
* Tubelight May/June 2012, ‘B is for Beauty’ + ‘ABC Primer–Rainbow Series’.
* Introducing: Visual Identities for Small Businesses, identity Buitenwerkplaats and Land Art Contemporary, Berlijn, 2012
* Recht voor zijn Raap. Met stip 2010, catalogue Fonds BKVB, June 2010
Plan B, interview about teaching at the KABK, The Hague, May 2010
* Grafik #185 (Showcase), Tubelight Special, United Kingdom, April 2010
* GRAPHIC #13 Visual Identity Issue, identity Netherlands Media Art Institute, Korea, January 2010
* Tubelight 67 (choice), exhibition De Hallen Haarlem, December 2009
Haarlems Dagblad, exhibition De Hallen Haarlem, November 2009
bt’09: Typography, Unify With New Life, in conjunction with the Icograda World Design Congress 2009 Beijing
ISTD TypoGraphic 67, UK, 2008
Area 2, Phaidon Publishers, London, curator: Irma Boom
One hundred at 360 degrees, Graphic design’s new global generation, Laurence King Publishing, 2006   
Serialize, Family Faces and Variety in Graphic Design, Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin, 2006

Awards & Nominations
* Wimper, Alex Farrar, Best Dutch Book Design Student Jury 2019
* De Zingende Zaag 42, jubileum edition, Best Dutch Book Design 2019
* Censorship Daily, Jan Dirk van der Burg, Best Dutch Book Design 2012
* De Hallen Haarlem – Inventory 2007-2012, Best Dutch Book Design 2012
* Salon, Sanne van den Elzen, Best Dutch Book Design 2012
* Identity for De Hallen Haarlem nominated for the Nederlandse Huisstijlprijs 2009
* Eating the Image, Mary A. Waters, Best Dutch Book Design 2008
* Identity for De Hallen Haarlem finalist for the Dutch Design Awards 2008
* Cornelius Quabeck – Hood, Best Dutch Book Design 2007

In the collection of
* Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam: publication ‘Floating Population’, Nadine Stijns, 2013
Private collection, ‘ABC Primer – Rainbow Series’, 26-piece
poster series, 70 x 100, silkscreen, limited printrun, 2012
Museum voor Communicatie (The Hague, NL) added the sketches and images of our process for / and the stamp we made for the celebration of '125 years Vereniging Rembrandt' (TNT, 2008), January 2010.
*Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam added the Recruitementcampaign 2006/2007 of the Jan van Eyck Academy to their collection, 2007

Development stipend for ‘You Are Cordially Invited’, Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie, 2012
Practice grant Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB), Amsterdam, 2010
Starter stipend Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB), Amsterdam, 2008
Starter stipend Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB), Amsterdam, 2006

Interns / Assistents
* 2013; Martin Bek (DK). MFA in graphic design from Yale School of Art, 2016
* 2014; Epp Linke-Õlekõrs (EE). Interaction Design MA Student at the Estonian Academy of Arts and User Experience Designer at Bigbank. Founder and coordinator Konstanet Exhibition Space
* 2015–2016; Benjamin Earl (UK). Master Non Linear Narrative, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK), 2017–2019
* 2016; Marie Højlund (DK). Graduated Gerrit Rietveld Academy, 2016. Graphic design fellowship at Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, 2018-2019
* 2017; Mirjam Reili (1990, EE). Graduated Gerrit Rietveld Academy, 2016. Participant at Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, 2017–2019
* 2015–2017, Corine van der Wal (studio-manager)
* 2017; Kaulane Huisman (1980, NL). Artist / photographer, graduated ArtEZ Arnhem (2018), The Netherlands
* 2017; Lola Beumer (NL). Graduated ArtEZ Arnhem, 2017
* 2018; Marleen Vos (NL). Graduated ArtEZ Arnhem, 2018
* 2019; Dana Doorenbos (NL). Graduated Royal Academy of Art, 2020
* 2020; Maryse Poels (NL)