Dürst Britt & Mayhew
The gallery Dürst Britt & Mayhew was founded in The Hague in 2015 by curator Jaring Dürst Britt and art critic Alexander Mayhew. For each of their exhibitions and art fair presentations they commission an art critic or curator to write an accompanying interview or an essay. These texts are printed on handouts. They deem it important that visitors can take away something analogue and tactile that contextualises what they have seen. The handouts have a fix format of an folded A3 and produced through risoprinting. A strict grid sytem and typesize (set in Patron, by Milieu Grotesk) is a reaccuring element within the ever changing compositions, colours, forms and shapes mapping the exhibition, title(s) and artist(s) to give every presentation its unique expression while maintaining a unity in the overall sequence. The collection consist over fifty handouts so far.
On the occasion of the gallery's five year jubileum a selection of handouts were presented in the gallery space during the exhibition 'Vèf Jaah!'.